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2001-02-18 - 14:47:22

Hmmm Ended up Spending Most the evening with Julia Valentines... went to Coffe and Dinner with Friends. dinner convo centered around Roomates and moving, General Perversion that we always talk about, and Me and Julia. They got Blackmail Photos :}

Only bad thing, Haven't Seen Her since Wed. :{ La la la.

Doing a different job at work, don't know how/if it's gonna work for me, we'll see.

Pumpkin's Home! Yay!

Went to the theatre i worked at last night and was able to get snucked in with Veganboy, saw he wedding planner. It was Pretty Good for a Fluff Film. I was Laughing a Lot and going Awwwwwww a lot , and It actually got me thinking "darnit, Those two better get together by th end off the movie or i'm going to throw a fit" and it was Free, so :] i'd say it's worth matinee price though :}

Oh, I found out that this Girl i kinda had a crush on for a bit, and one of my friends has a crush on, is single now, and i told her my friend was taken, and she was like "oh man, darn, she's cute" I'm Pondering torturing My friend and telling her about that :}(Or i am anyways, i don't know if she reads this, she might)

Ugh, i need a vacation or something, i've been so blah lately... Work Sleep, school, Work, sleep, work, school, socialize and then no sleep


I need to do laundry, but i don't know if they fixed the washer yet.


Yummy new Vegan Food recipe i made :}



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