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2001-03-05 - 21:33:10

Hmm I don't know what to Type today.

Have a possible very Tent. possibility to move. but not for a bit, i'll get more info on it tomorrow...

I think i should try to eat more, i know i was really busy a bit back, and i wasn't eating much, and now i'm sick and not eatin much. i realized i've been eating on average only one meal a day. and that's been somethin like a budget tv dinner or a biscuit and a piece of candy. I don't want to get back into that crap. I try to make myself eat at least 2 meals a day, usually lunch and dinner.., but latly i've been turning them into one meal at about 3... I do Need to lose weight, but this isn't the way to go about it, as much as my dad thinks it is, i'll just gain it all back when i go back to eating normally.... Another part of me wants to go visit him, since i know he'll only let me eat a little bit, and he'll keep buging me about losing weight.

been listing to lots of calming music lately delerium, tori...., though it makes me happy, but also this weird kinda melencholy bouncyness.. i don't really know how to describe it correctly.

i need to do some art or writing stuff, i haven't really done anything for a long while beyond some scribbles or a cheesy poem or two.... i remember when i used to do something every day, without even prompting myself, wonder what happened to those days???...

worried about lots of friends, i have 5 different friends going through hardish times right now., i feel bad cuz i'm going though my own stuff, and i can't help them much...

and my rib cage hurts from coughing so much... i just want to get better already..

le coeurs jumeaux- my mind my love my heart my soul



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