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2001-03-21 - 09:44 a.m.

OKay. I just want to know. How can things Suck soooo much right now, and be so great at the same time?

I have no job, no money. My phone is probably going to get turned off on the 1st because i don't have th money to pay the bill. a can't register for school because i have no money. at the same time though, I have so many wonderful people in my life right now. People who actually care about me, and people that make sure i eat, and people that hug me. people who send me email just to say "good mornin". and other stuff that really really blows my mind. It just feels so wonderful. at the same time, i want to repay that kindness now, but I am just having so much trouble taking care of myself, i can barely worry about other people. this is really tough.

So, i guess this is just a thank you to all those people.....


I have a presentation in Psych today, and i'm nervous. grr I Soo hope i Don't blank out or stutter or something equally horrifying.





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