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2001-04-26 - 9:57 a.m.

well. i have a test thingy to go to at the library today. Go Me.

yesterday i sat about working on my web page and goofing off for the most part.

me and veganboy decided to go to movies, but we're both poor right now, so we tried to get into my old work free, but no one i knew was working. then he found some amc theatre passes so we tried going to that theatre, but the one we had planned to see was a special engagement, so couldn't see it. end iup seeing josie and the pussycats. oh gosh the product placement! oh my! eek! it was hilarious. It kinda scared me, with all the product placment (which they made fun of in the movie) If you think you can stand that much exposure to pop culture, you should go see it :} Depending on how you take it, it'll either be a hilarious comedy or a horror movie :]

we went to wed. night coffee. woofie wasn't there, silly boy forgot and i didn't have the 35 cents to use a payphone. I was rather hyper and bouncy and me and julia bounced around a lot and we scritched this nice boy Val that's gonna work at con. Had some guy try to force me to sit in a chair, i just about screamed at him or walloped him or something. that kinda sucked.

I coloured and chatted and usual wed. night stuff.

got home and roomie had just about fryed my puter. may have some. fryed my power strip though. air conditioner plus pter in same power strip baddd....grrr. my puter had been on, in sleep mode and took me a long time to convince it that it was wakey time. seems to be working at it's normal not really working well state now though.


I have no money

I still need to do laundry. i grrr in the direction of whatever scientific laws forbid me to keep up with laundry. I did laundry and now it needs to be done again...



now playing: still oingo boingo's farewell.



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