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21 September, 2002 - 10:30 p.m.

Today was a nice adventure.

slept in late, put laundry in. me, shrew and tyger went out, and I got a nice rest for my wrist so using the mouse won't hurt, a new set of nice headfones (a bday present from shrew) for using at the puter, and a pretty candle fountain thing that i put in my room. Also a harry potter puzzle, cuz i haven't done a puzzle in a long time, and a nice not scary one (it's 250 pieces) sounded fun

Rugrat brought me my arcade today. I Got an extra surprize. He said he was bringing me a Bust-a-move, but he brought that, but instead of having bust a move in it, it was super puzzle fighter turbo 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one of my favourite games ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He brought bustamove too, but... Wowwowwow!!!! I'm soo sooo happy :} Heh I am very out of practice though, i havn't played in a while. I need to find out if there is a way to get Dan in the arcade, i know in the ps version you can, and dan is fun :D we went out for food after, and then i tagged along to try to find a bit of electronic stuff he needed for a game. He didn't find it, but we ended up by the japanese market, so we went there and i got more of the weird cotton candy, and then we went to the baskin robbins there and got ice cream.

Once home, i sat around for a bit, then veganboy came over and we played spft2 and i started my puzzle, and him and shrew and tyger are watching rat race now, and laughing lots, i'll have to watch in tomorrow.


there's a weird sharp pain in my elbow



nifty presents!

kitty toys



Now Playing: front 242- headhunter, wheatus- sunshine, blink182- dammit �

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