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12 October, 2002 - 1:38 p.m.

My brat kitty has run off again :{ blah. he's been gone since last night. I am a worried mommy :{

last night i hung out with woofie and some other people. we had fud, and sat around my house pestering kitties and watching drunken master.

this morning i cleaned house a bit, and i'm doing laundry, and i baked cupcakes, chocolate with chocolate chips and chocolate frosting :} see a trend?

I need to dye my hair. I don't like being blonde. I'm kinda wondering what would happen if i put a strawberry blonde type colour in it with how it is. I think i need to get it trimmed too. with the ends being blah and the bleaching, i actually have to brush my hair. I'm so used to just running my fingers through it and putting it back and not worrying about brushing it except every few days, i keep forgetting till i look in the mirror and see it all sticking out this way and that. foo.


i should hang/fold, etc my clean laundry. I am lazy.

worried about my kitty.

I should study some today, i really need to learn time, and it's hard to learn, everyone in class was totally lost, so we are spending an extra class on it.



cute people




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