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19 November, 2002 - 10:07 p.m.

the last few days have been nice. sunday,kiala came over and i made him watch real genius. Mmm popcorn....

yesterday as i was leaving work, two of my coworker who are used to seeing me on the evening shift, and thought i was just going to dinnerbreak, invited me to dine with them, and i was hungry, so i went with them instead of going straight home. as i was getting off the train on the way home, wolfgrrl called me, cuz her, CC and I were 'possed to go hang out. We ended up playing minigolf. It was fun. we discovered CC can't play AT ALL (and i thought i was bad....) but she's cute, so it's all okay. the neat thing is, i was just goofing on the 18th hole, and wasn't even looking, and i got it! so i got a free game :D, and i also discovered that it's only $3 a game after 6pm on mondays :D so i may try to go again soon.

today i got some blah news. one of my supervisors is leaving! not the one that went with to hp2, but the other one. she's moving to another department. so things will be insane for a bit at work, since no one is taking her place. (pout) i like my supervisors. she just found out today she changes departments in two weeks.

amusingly, right after she announced it, she put up a new schedule, which had me working a 56 hour workweek. oops. she fixed it quickly, I got to tease her though, so.

tomorrow i have to be up early to cook for hte work party, then i have to get ready for the trip. we leave right after i get out of werk at 9pm. then back on sunday night. weefun. books. i wish i had more money though. I only have enough money to get a few books.


I've been sneezing all night! ugh

i have too much to do before tomorrow



reading books. reading a pratchett book right now, the man is insane, i love it. :D



Now Playing: darude- oasis, weezer- the sweater song, oingo boingo- change, jane weidlen- east meets west �

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