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2001-01-14 - 04:51:27

well slept in late this morning. tried to do laundry, but other people in the complex kept beating me to the machine.

talked to friend online and he came and got me and my laundry and i did the laundry at his house and we hung out and played the powerpuff girls card game and drank cough syrup and hot tea. talked to the friend i was worried about finally, she having some troubles, but is overall okay, as far as she'll let me know. Got a call from Boy today. Complaining about how he regrets moving and misses everyone here. I just told him "i told you so" and we talked about random stuff. He's having troubles with his g/f, and is thinking about coming back, but i doubt he actually will. He's too dependant upon her.


being sick, Yet AGAIN


shakespeare's a middsummers night dream



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