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2001-01-17 - 06:23:20

Today was a mix of good and bads, lots of goods lots of bads. Had a test in my shakespeare class and ended up misunderstanding what she was asking for and answered the question totally the wrong way. I had to recite some lines in front of the class and I majorly flubbed them. I went to archery class and the left handed bow's string broke, so i had to practice with a righthanded bow and will have to untill they can order another string for it.

after school i stopped by work to get lunch and the managers girlfriend saw me and asked if i still worked there because she hadn't seen me, and i told her i did, and she said "good, because i'd have to hurt someone if you didn't" that was sucha nice ego boost . i like her, she's got "spunk".

Of course, then i missed the bus, so i was sitting there forever waiting for the next one.

Got home, felt sick, threw up aforementioned lunch, and haven't felt well since.

Found some old diskettes in a box from around 92-94 and looked to see what was on them and it was a bunch of cool old computer games and some highschool papers. Old Dos games are cool :}

but then read some old poetry that was with them and started feelin sad and just kinda emotionally yucky. So i called Boy, thinking maybe it would make me feel better. It did, for a few. Then we started talking about diaries and he found out i read his online journal (well, he DOES have a link to it on his web page, come ON!) and told me i shouldn't read it, and i mentioned I have one and he got all mad that i hadn't told him, and totally started telling me off about other random stuff. then he finally calmed down, and then i started talking about an aquaintance of mine, and Boy told me some yucky things about the person. And so i Got mad and Hung up. and now I can't sleep because I'm mad and I'm afraid I'll have nightmares about all these horrid things,and it's 1:30 in the morning and i can't sleep!

and My day Just Sucked Eggshells.



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