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2001-01-18 - 04:31:23

well, i didn't get to sleep untill maybe 4am or so.

I forgot i had reset my alarm from when i took a nap the day before and so didn't wake until 11 or so. thus missing school. I had a bad headache anyways. Stayed in bed untill about 3. Talked online most of the day. I went to a dentist appointment with a friend to help protect him from the evil dentist, read silly things from the office copy of Entertainment Weekly. All that good Star Gossip everyone needs. I had been talking to a Friend(Aforemented vaguely because i was worried about her and to be forthwith named Pumpkin) Overseas and she mentioned wanting a harry potter shirt. So I went to the WB store and Bought one, and Drooled over the harry potter board game. While i was there this guy saw me droolin over it and asked me if i liked the actual books. I told him yes and asked him why he asked and he said he likes sci-fi books and was thinking about it, but hadn't met a fellow grown up who had read it. Resisting the urge to deny being a grownup (I'm 23 , i'm NOT a grownup, darnit!) i told him i loved them and recommended them. We talked for a bit and i gave him my email address. He Seemed pretty cool. I am going to have to go back to the WB store when i have some more spare money, because i want that game and also i may get another Harry potter shirt, there was a real cool one in purple with hargid's pet dragon on it, but it was $22..(I didn't get that one for Pumpkin, i don't love her That much, I got her the Plain Logo one in Black,she'll just have to suffer :})

I'm going to be going to a Mr. T Experience Concert in two weeks, i'm very thrilled. Yay (Does cartwheels and Various Happy dances) see very thrilled, i hate doin cartwheels :}

Okay I wish to Cruelly bombard you all with some crappy prose of mine now.. Suffer! Muhaha!

I miss you so much

that glimpse was not enough

damn her for dragging me

I miss you so much

your touch

the safety in your arms

you liking me for me

and being there when I�m not around

caroleen plays with you

in her fragile world

and loves your fuzzy blankie

more than anything in her world

I miss you so much

that it makes me hurt

it's been so tumultuous

us and you

lost you to an angel

and stole you back from the heavens

only to see that you'd got wings

and longed to fly, by and by.

you're such an asshole


I love you so

you tear my heart out

don't let it grow

I love you so

I love you so

my blood is yours

as yours is mine

since that one spring

I told you was right

the ripened grass

the full moonlight

the ocean crashing below our sight

you swore to me

that it'd be alright

well I don't know

were you right?

Don't worry, there won't be a test, so it's okay if you just ignored that whole thing:}


Headaches Suck


Dr. Pepper and Seseme Crackers (not nessicerily together)



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