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2001-01-19 - 02:31:39

I had the honour of Missing the bale in archery class today and sunk the arrow into the fence, Hard. Took them a few minutes to get it out. What can i say, i have talent. That's what they get for making me shoot righty instead of lefty :} I went out and bought a bunch of new music today. I stopped by and bugged the weird guy that works at Kinko's copys, We may go out and do something weird soon if we chance to get the same day off. I went out for dinner (Sushi, Yum!) It's early. I'm actually at home before 11pm, which is shocking. Just kicking back and listening to new music and playing my newly refound stupid computer games.

My life is just So exciting, Huh?


I need someone to cuddle and snuggle and nuzzle. I'm lonely damnit! and i want someone to Give me flowers and a box of chocolates too, while i'm at it (sorry, i'm a traditionallist, i don't think there's anything wrong with flowers or chocolates)

Too much homework


Avocado Sushi Rolls

New Delerium Cd.

black velvet shirts



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