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2001-01-25 - 04:23:41

Well, My body revolted against me this morning. I tryed to get up and it just wouldn't cooperate. I think this means that i've been working too much and not getting enough rest. I ended up staying home from school. I took a nap. Did laundry. Then, feeling mildly better, I went to work at 4. They actually had good music over the com. That really helped my day i think. Everyone was in good moods, and i think it rubbed off. Then as i was leaving someone said "they were talking to" someone about me.. the someone bein this cute girl i know.. Interesting :} it was too busy to inquire though :}

I need to type up a paper for my Shakespeare class, but i don't want to.

I need to eat more, I haven't had time to eat anything lately i've been so busy, i realized that today i've only had 2 Tofu sausages and about 6 oz. of mashed potatos. : and I had trouble going to sleep last night because my stomach was growling, but i didn't want to wake anyone up by going into the kitchen at 1am. I don't remember what i ate yesterday, besides some taco bell food and some poached apples (well, 3/4 of a poached apple)


Dropping 15lbs of Thai salad on your fingers hurts



poaches apples



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