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2001-01-30 - 04:04:13

This last 5 days have been insane. I haven't been sleeping, I haven't been eating much. Insane. I went to a Furry Con (Fantasy convention focusing on humanoid animals, to give any clueless people a bit of an idea) Hung out. Cuddles and Scritchied with New and Old friends. Had to deal with some Drama, But it caused me to Run away downstairs instead of sleeping, and i got free sympathy Cheesecake and Cuddles from a Nice Guy Named Rawl'yn :} Very Meow :} Was very Wiped and Tired by morning time needless to say Left to go home and Veganboy Got paged by a friend who wanted to go see a movie, so We went and saw Save the last dance. It was okay, To Much Stupid Imagry. and Too Unrealistic, But It's an MTV productions movie, I didn't expect much :} Today I went to classes and Found out that th paper i Thought was due wed was due today! OOPS! Luckily I wasn't the Only one, Soo 3 of us can Turn it in Wed. Yay! After school i went and bought my MTX tickets, and then Went and bought New Socks (Yay, most of my old ones have holes in the toes!) and then went to dinner and a really cool restaurant, except veganboy order two things with lots of cloves, and it started making me feel sick. Yuck.

Nothing much else exciting.


Not realizing when research Paper is Actually due






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