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2001-02-07 - 04:16:55

well, school opened again the next day, but only about half the students went. I ended up going though i was rather frightened. I had a test. Ugh. I think it's rather unfair to hold a test the day after someone has tryed to bomb your school! though i did get an A- on it. My psych class has been cancelled because we were supossed to have a speaker, but the speakers company won't let her come because it's too dangerous.

Lots of Drama around lately. None of it mine, thankfully. Only problems I'm having right now is that one of my former jobs messed up my w-4 forms and i'm havin to deal with the IRS and that's quite a Grrrrr.

Pumpkin's in a Special hospital type place for about 3 weeks, so i don't get to talk to her much, I Miss her!!!

Trying to figure out what i want to do for valentines. I've only been with someone one valentines that i can remember, so it's kind of tradition for me to go do something fun for me. Like give out kid's valentines or something. Going down to visit my sis and stuff the two days after...

well i think that's all folks


I miss Boy

I miss Pumpkin!

I miss Brother!

I Miss Sister!


Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies



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