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2001-02-08 - 20:47:49

Okay, I got hit with one of those "tell your friends all about you" email chains. So I will share with you, my lovely victims.. er readers.

what is your living arrangement: Livin with psycho clean freaks who vacuum every night before going to bed, I want out!

What's on your mousepad: I use a black velvet lined notebook as a mousepad

Favourite tv show: I don't watch much tv, when i do, it's usually simpsons or voyager reruns at friends houses. I own a tv, but it's in storage.

Favourite smell: Tie: Fresh baking breads or Rose or hycynth (sp?)

What's the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: "How many more times can i hit the snooze alarm" if i wake by alarm, "Must check email" is natural awakeness :}

Roller coasters: Fun, though i avoid ones with more than 3 loops :}

Kids: None, none planned.

Favourite food: Pastas

chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: I have about 10 that live on my bed

storms: generally cool, though bad when you're stuck out in them

What books are you currently reading: King lear for class, a collection of Elizabethan Prose, and i have some weird teen book i picked up called "the life of a wallflower" or something like that, hey, it mentioned rocky horror picture show on the back


If you could meet one person, living or dead, who?: shakespeare or drew barrymore

Favorite alcoholic drink: Purple hooters!

Favourite Non alcoholic drink: Dr. pepper

Zodiac sign: Libra

Do you eat the whole broccoli or just the tops: whole

Dream job: Being able to live off my art and writing.

If you could dye your hair any colour: Bright red, like crayon red!

anything pierced? Nope, not even ears

have you ever been in love: Yes

Glass half full or half empty: full

Favourite movie(s): Princess bride, flight of dragons, ever after

Lefty or righty: ambidextrious right for writing, left for sports and most anything else

do you keep your fingers on the home keys: Nope! bad me! my typing instructor would have a fit!

What's under your bed: The boogie monster, some shoes, an a lot of dust

Favourite sport: archery or Broadsword fighting

favourite holiday: All hallow's eve

favourite quote: "You have her father's love Demetrious. Let me have Hermia's. Do You marry HIM!" from midsummers night dream

Favourite music: all kinds!

Favourite song at the moment: Oingo Boingo: Only a lad

Do you smoke: Not currently

What are your parents names: Don and Judy

How many Candles on your last Birthday cake? Uhmm I don't think anyone bothered to get candles....

Pets: The great and powerful Bookitty!

Height: 5'5"

Eye colour: Green

Tattoos: Nope, Thinking about getting a small ruby done on my ankle though.

Ever Tp'd someones house: Stood as lookout, didn't participate

Ever had yours TP'd: Yes, and it Frosted that night! Ugh!

Croutons: Yes, skip the salad, i just want the croutons!

Salad dressing: Ranch, though rarely actually with a salad.

sock colour: Black, white, or cute kid socks, or wicked witch socks.

Brand of toothpaste: Whatever's on sale

Fave flower: Yellow roses

when and why was your last hospital visit: last december when i got a sinus infection and burst an eardrum

What store could you max your credit card at: any good sized bookstore or convention dealers room

Friend who lives farthest away: Pumpkin

Bedtime: Between midnight and 2am

Don't you feel informed now?



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