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2001-02-20 - 16:35:01

Just to Remind you how boring i am, lets recap yesterday, play by play :}

7am: woke up, looked at clock, rolled over and went back to sleep, given that it was a holiday and I could Sleep In.

8:40am Woke again. Actually got up, Had a bowl of Golden grahams for breakfast.

9:00am Got together laundry and started to go to the machine. Realized i didn't have any quarters.

9:15 Got shoes on, got wallet, walked across the street to LOngs to get quarters.

9:25 Ran back home since it had started to pour suddenly while i was in the store.

9:30 Started laundry then went inside to dry off.

10:00 got online and checked email and such.

10:45 Finished goofing off, er i mean checking email, and moved laundry to dryer.

11am Called veganboy. We were suppossed to go out and do stuff today, but he isn't feeling well, he'll call back later if he's feeling up to going out.

11:05 Start cleaning the Bathroom, while intermittently Goofing off (read: Talking to Pumpkin) online...

Noon: Get pestered by roomate who can't cook about how to defrost chicken. He thought it'd take 30 mins. I laughed, told him to try the microwave, but that i had no idea how long the mircowave would take, and to otherwise, stick it in a tub of water to defrost it. He then asked me something in very bad english that i still have no idea what he was saying, something about the library, I don't Know!

1:00pm try to call Julia, No answer. called Nana, she's always, home, she's 86, chatted for a bit, i think she needs a hearing aid, But i still love my Nana , She's Cool, well, for a Nana :]

1:30pm Called Veganboy to check up on him, He's still not feeling well. I decide to venture out on my own in the rain. I collect my stuff and walk to the busstop.

1:38 Miss bus, Curse, and decide to wait.

2:00 go shopping, buy some Cd's and a Book. Browse Lots.

4:30 call veganboy. He's feeling some better, and we arrange to meet in front of bookstore.

5:00 Veganboy shows up, and try to decide what to do.

5:10 head to toys r us to buy BRIGHT YELLOW teddy bear i saw there last week. I need more weird coloured bears, i really want the blue one. hopefully it'll be there when i have the money to get it!

5:50 Since we're a few miles from Julia's house, decide to see if she's home. She Is, Yay! :} hang out and do pretty much nothing. Veganboy goes home, i stay till midnight and get a ride home from Julia :}

Midnight-ish: Home. Realize even though i was tired about a half hour ago, that it has past. Start to read book i bought earlier in the day.

1:15am This is when i looked at the clock last. I fell asleep reading.


Sick Friends that Need to get better!

I need to do another load of laundry.



Julia :]

Nifty Grrrllllss In General :}



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