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2001-03-04 - 08:00:58

haven't written in about a week i think. Been very sick, had to go in for breathing treatments and stuff, and if i'm not feeling better by tomorrow my doc. is gonna recomend hospitolization for a few days to douse me with antibiotics and regulate my breathing. Ugh. (tells self to get better already)

Haven't been doing much. sleepin about 12 hours a day. hanging out with veganboy, raven and woofie.

Being online lots, talking with Pumpkin and GrinningGirl lots. GrinningGirl is kinda a new friend i've been talking to a lot, she lives in canada though ; Too Far!

I want and don't want to go to school. I don't want to fall behind, but I also Don't wanna Push things and effect how quick i get better.


Cold feet. Brrrr..


vegan "Meat"balls

The Great and Wonderful GrinningGirl :](and all my other wonderful friends of course)



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