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2001-02-27 - 17:39:01

I am very tired. I didn't go to bed till 6am this morning! I am bad and evil. Heh :}

I did absolutly nothing of use yesterday, it was nice. i lay in bed allday being sick and being online and reading. i did try to do laundry, but people kept beating me to the machine. then around 6ish me, veganboy, and raven and Woofie went to dinner at uno's pizza. Yummy, though nothing compared to real chicago uno's pizza! We were real silly, wrote weird things in the matchbooks and put them back, tormented the waitress (and she LIKED it, the masochist!) and other such nonsense. then went to see Monkeybone. Very tim burton. i think i liked it, but i'm not sure yet, it's rather weird (duh!)

was about 11 when we got outta the movie. Dropped veganboy off cuz he was tired, then sat parked in front of woofies house an sat in his van under blankies chatting and telling anicdotes about ourselves and our families till 5am


I'm tired!

Do you know it's cold sitting in a van at 3am?





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