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2001-03-07 - 21:35:43

Guess what, I actually have something to write about! Woohoo! Hmmmm where to start...

Well, yesterday i Hung out at veganboy's house most the day.

Working on getting a get together of a bunch of friends that don't live that nearby in the summer, yay!

The First Baycon meeting is this Sunday. It's sttaarrrttinggg Yay :} Party Time :] hehe And extra yay, Looks like GrinningGirl is Going to go. and MAYBE my sister, though i'm still working on that one, she's tricky to convince, i have to Bribe her With the promise of Cute Boys to Molest and Dragon Trinkets :} Molestable Cute Boys are getting harder and harder to come by these days .

anyways, Last night, Veganboy and Chickie Told me I HAD to go out to Dinner with them. So we Patronized our Favourite Local, non chain 24hr restuarant. I Worked on a Bday Present for a friend while they ate. THEN some Nice Freakish Looking peoples walked in and were seated about 5 tables from us. I proceed to get out my sharpie, grab a Jelly Packet, Write "Merry Xmas" on the Bottom, and Throw it at them, Because, Well, That's what i Do :] we Finished dinner and Began to leave, and they came Running up and Handed us some jelly packets with Obscene scribblings on them. We asked if they had ever heard of baycon, and proceeded to convince them to go then Chickie left and me and Veganboy went down the street to one of their's apartments and they brought out Bamboo Practice swords and We fought :} It was lots of fun. I'm way out of practice though. I only won once, i think. and we were playing sca style, so if you get hit on a limb, you can't use that limb, so lots of crawling around on the ground and stuff. I have a bit of a Bruise on my lower left ribs, but oh well. The funness Overrules the pain :] I love meeting new Nifty freakish People. Yum.

Going to Coffee tonight. Get to visit Woofie and Julia. Yay! :]

This morning I went back to teh Dr. She took nice pretty pictures of my lungs and said, in more proffessional words "you look better, But you still sound like sh*t" so i can be a little social, and go to school, but no work since i'm still on lots of drugs and I play with Sharp metal Blades at work.

Went to the library, and they say i didn't turn a book in and that i owe them lots of money, i KNOW i returned that book.. grrrrrr

It's hot out today.. It's barely spring, It Shouldn't be hot yet!


See above, It's Too darn Hot out.

I have a blister on my little Toe. Ouchies.

It's Not baycon Yet.


Meeting new Nifty People

Cute kitties

Baycon Is Soon :]

Now Playing: weird al, green day, and delerium are in my cd player, something tells me i'm in a weird mood :}



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