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2001-03-08 - 16:23:06

Hmmm Was tired yesterday after putting in my entry, tried to take a nap, and Everyone and their Sister, Brother, and mother Either called or paged me! Sheesh... i'd get to lay down for 5 mintues, and someone would call or page and i'd have to get up, I finally gave up when the cat joined in an started attacking my hair...

Nap given up, I puttered about online and played with one of chickie's rats for a while, and ate dr. pepper jelly bellys :]

Went to coffee. Was weird some. But i had Fun. Actualyl Finally got to talk some with (Thinks up on-the-spot cheesy Diaryname) Shygoth, who is a friend of Julia's whom i've met, but never really talked to, so that's cool. Got picked on Lots. And i'm Going up to the mounains to hang out with Julia and Shygoth Tonight. Hopefully Nifty :]

Nothing else exciting.


Cramps hurt and they suck, and Sorry if that's TMI, you can just SufFer!





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