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2001-03-11 - 05:37:13

well. I was Feelin kinda crappy this evening, but given the hour, couldn't really call anyone.. managed to find Woofie Online and Dumped more Emotion and Bitching at him than he needed to deal with at him... Poor thing.. thanks woofie.. hmm i do feel a little better, I think, for now...

Don't have a job anymore.

Filling out apps.

gotten to the point that i only feel like i'm going to cough every other breathe i take when i'm trying to sleep... needless to say, I'm dead tired, haven't really slept in the last few days. i'm supposed to go back next week, but can i really afford to?

Talking to GrinningGirl Lots.. Talking to Julia. Talking to Woofie. Don't know where all this is going. kinda a "Where are we going, and Why am i in this Handbasket?" feeling for me.

Talking to GrinningGirl. This Is Nice. I Like this a lot. Stayed the Night at Julia's and Cuddled and failed at sleeping. This is Nice. Hanging out and talking with Woofie. Also Nice. F*Ck. Why can't i just make up my mind already? And do i really have to Make up my mind. I don't really know. No Pressure about this, except from me to me, I mean, None Of it seems to be going anywhere too serious. I think. I'm not sure. I have no Idea what I Want/feel about all of this. Maybe i just shouldn't be thinking about it.

to top off a great day, the lightbulb in my room burnt out, i'll have to get another tomorrow.

Went to a Friends Bday party today. It was nice. Her 22nd bday, and it was a kid style party, silly hats, cake, nifty party favors. Played games. I had a lot of fun, aside from being tired and miserable.


Dumping and Being Drama For people who don't need/deserve it.

Stupid Lightbulb...


I think the best part of my day was this: Sitting in the parking lot of a fast food place, eating breakfast/lunch, Sitting on the ground, talking to Veganboy while he Cleaned his car, Which was begining to emit an odd odour (Culprit, Newpaper bit under the drivers seat that had gotten mouldy) It was nice to just sit and chat about nothing of importance (I don't even have any idea what we talked about)sat there for maybe an hour. pissed off some people because i was sitting in a parking spot some, and it was lunch hour. Oh well.

Now playing: Ashley MacIsaac's Hi, How are you today Cd ..



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