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2001-03-20 - 10:37 a.m.

yesterday was a good day. and today is starting out good. this is nice :}

Yesterday i went and filled out over 10 job applications. Plus, I got an interview scheduled at a hobby store on thursday. then i hung out with veganboy. he needed to get his car looked at because he was in an accident a while back and the hood is messed up, and he was looking for an estimate and wanted me along to prevent boredom. they said almost $3000 to fix it. they suck. he could almost buy a new one at that.. then we were early to go get chickie from work so we sat on the swings at her work and played on this weird playset thing. then us, woofie and two other friends went to dinner at spaghetti factory :} Yum. then we tried to go to the mall, but we didn't realize how late it was and the mall was closing when we got there. we went to target an loitered there untill they closed. then meandered to veganboy's house an loitered there.

in short, i did a bunch of stuff, then spent the rest of the day doing nothing with friends.

today i got my internet problems i've been having fixed, though i still haven't gotten my diaryland thing fixed, but i re-posted the entry from the 15th for now at least...hopefully they will email me and tell me why here is no link :] Silly :]

YAY! GrinningGirl bought her tix to come out and visit in May! YAY! :]

Uhmm Uhmm.. I guess that's all i have for today :]


I'm hungry!


Grinninggirl is for sure sure coming out in May! YAY!

Friends in general Kick Butt today :] YAY



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