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2001-03-16 - 19:50:03


You know, when it's not spring, i always think i hate this time of year. it's rainy, i have allergys, and i tend to dislike most of the springtime holidays. But when it is spring, i just love it... i was sooo grumpy when i left home this morning, but as soon as i got outside, i smelled the flowers my roomies have growing in front of the house, and i didn't even have to try to smell them, the scent was so strong i could smell them from the top of the stairs, and it was just so pleasant and peaceful i had to smile. and there are a bunch of cherry trees across the street, which is probably my favorite plant.tree.flower.fruit etc and the blossems are starting to blanket the sidewalks. It's so pretty. I sure hope no one sweeps them up. that'll make me sad.

when i have this, it almost completely overrules all the stuff i dislike about springtime. I'm sure i'll hate it all again come summer, don't you worry :}


I just hit my head again, i fell and hit my head yesterday, and now i just had soemthing fall on me, what's up with that, huh?

Had some weird guy hit on me on the train today. he was asking for my name and number, so i pointedly got up and moved to another seat and he followed me... at least he didn't follow me off the train, but i really hate that.

and I don't wanna talk about Body today, so this Entry is lacking one, suffer :}



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