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2001-03-15 - 04:55:11

Woofie is MINE MINE, all MINE! erpp Uhm, Now back to your regularly schedualed diary :]

Class today was real cool, though i did show up about 15-20 minutes late... oooopppsss

I hung about after class to talk for a bit, and then called woofie and we hung out for a bit.

Talked to veganboy while at woofie's house, going down to visit friends most likely this weekend. then Julia paged and Made me all worried cuz she said "I gotta talk to you" but it turned out she just really really wanted to chat about her weird weekend.

once i got over being so popular i cuddled for a bit then we went to coffee and i was social, it was nice.

Got tired a bit, partly from boredom, i think, given it got tired right after most the interesting people left, and the fact that i'm still awake and writing in here :] But anyways, Woofie drove me home and we sat in his car and cuddled and it was Nice :] Mew :]

Been listening to old cd's i don't listen to much anymore as of late. Kinda nice. "oh yeah, i like this stuff, huh?"


I need a real desk and chair..


Irish tea.

Nice stuffies waiting for me to cuddle them when i go to sleep.

Nifty people- YOu know who you are :]



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