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2001-03-14 - 15:50:34

feeling rather blah lately. Trying to decide what to do about my little whatever dilemma... No problems with Grinninggirl, but i think that's cuz it's LD/Internet, so no dealing with lots of stuff yet. Woofie and Julia are a lot harder to deal with. I can mostly only talk to julia on wednesdays, too, which doesn't help.

I just wonder if i'm taking this all to seriously.

I actually slept well last nite. Did the whole "lay down in bed, next second of realization is "why is my alarm going off"" :} had a odd dream about having a broken leg, but that's all i remember of it, and hopefully it's not prophetic :]

going to do something after school today, either

hang with woofie or veganboy, i don't know :}

La la la i think that's all :]


I don't wanna go to class


Uhhmm uhmm Yiffy thoughts, and if you don't know what that means, you don't want to :}



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