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2001-03-13 - 15:03:32

Okay, I have been reading/watching Waaayyyy too much ranma lately! I had the weirdest dream last night that i was dating a person like ranma that turned from boy/girl when splashed with water. I found out the hard way and got stuck out in the rain with them, of course. and then they decided they wanted to stay a boy,and i wanted them to stay boy and girl and i was soooooo mad about it, i kept trying to dump water on them :} I've been watching too much ranma! even worse, we were at school during the last part of the dream, and i suddenly got up and started dancing about the classroom, and i woke up and that song was on the radio ( i sleep with the radio on) I hate it when my brain incorporates stuff into dreams particularly when it's bizarre dreams like that :}

Okay now that i've shared my bizarre dream, let me stop and think if i actually have anything else to say....

hmmm Nope.


still no job.


Grinninggirl, Woofie and Julia :]



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