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2001-04-15 - 11:12 p.m.

Okay. This weekend was just awesome. the drive Kinda sucked, 7 hours in a car, each way Ugh. Left about 2pm friday. Got in about 9ish. Had dinner, went to sleep. Saturday got up, Went to Visit. we got picnic stuffs and went to the park and had a BIG bubble blower thing and made 2-3ft big bubbles. and sat around being silly at the park for about 5 hours. Saw a big black dot in the sky. Still debating whether it was runaway balloons or a Hovering Spacecraft. We took pictures, magnifyed it. It's a Big black Dot in the sky :] Oh well. Watched wallace and grommet cartoons and friends cat brought a live rat into the house via the catdoor. that was an adventure. Finished watching cartoons and cuddled and scritched lots. T'was nice. This morning , went to breakfast with daddy, then headed home. Boring. Then went to easter dinner. Ate bunny. It was yummy. Maybe again next year. Cuddles more with nice people. Yum. I've been such a CuddleSlut lately, It's horrible.

Being kinda depressed, but i'll be over it by tomorrow. Kinda Be disrespectful if i wasn't. My Mom died 12 years ago today. I Miss her. She was Nice. I Liked her, even If she Mussed her Life Up real Bad. I still miss her. It's hard to think about now, that now there has been more time in my life without her, than with her.... Don't do drugs, they muss up your life, the lives of those you love, and sometimes, they kill you. My mom Unfortunatly learned this the hard way.


I had Soooo much email when i got home, Sheesh. 3 days withough internet. Epp.

I have a test tomorrow and i'm not ready. Bad me.


Cuddling Rocks.

People who are rather happy to hear from you or see you after three days of not so.




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