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2001-04-12 - 10:23 p.m.

Well, What do you know. I Got a JOB! Heh. The one at the Hobby store. Yay. I start on tuesday, Given i'm heading out to LA this weekend with veganboy To visit some friends, and then Easter Going to a friends to eat the easter Bunny Not normally my thing, but i will make an exception given the humour value, well, at least i will try to, though i may decide it's too gross. :}

Yesterday i went to the school early and hung out with Chickieratgrrl for an hour before class. I Actually understood what we did in class, so that's good, and i found out for sure that i got INTO the class. After class, met up with woofie, and we decided to go to veganboy's and borrow his JubeiChan DVD's (Silly sailormoon meets ranma type thing) and He mentioned he was going to ladycolleen's house and so we went along and i talked with her daughter Chaos (15 year old dyke grrl) a lot, and Picked on her younger daughter (9 years old) about the fact that she wasn't wearing Pink, because she's going through a pink phase. Her mother made her wear Yellow. Heh. Woofie and ladycolleen's family got along well. Hehehhe I love introducing different sets of freaks and having them get along. :}

today i just went and did my interview, got the job, did all the paperwork and stuff, then packed for the weekend , then went to woofie's to watch the dvd's we had borrowed. Nothing exciting.

Okie, sleepie time.


Due to the Overwhelming bouncyness of the day, today's whine has been cancelled. "I know you can be Overwhelmed, and I know you can be Underwhelmed, But can you ever just Be Whelmed?"


Job, This means forthcoming money in a few weeks, yay.

Less than 1000 hours untill Con. Yay! Mew! Yum!

pretty flowers outside my house.



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