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2001-04-10 - 11:12 p.m.

well today kinda sucked.

went to lunch with veganboy to a new restaurant. it was good. Got home. Decided to tackle the fact that the long distance phone company i use hath neglected to send me a bill in the five months. Called them, they told me I had to call my Local Company, as billing is Done through them, Local company said I had to call Long distance company, because they only handle local stuff. So on and so forth. about 4 Phone calls and an hour later i Finally got a Supervisor with the Local Company who was ACTUALLY MILDLY HELPFUL AND PLEASANT! He Did explain that he Had no Friggin clue what was up, but that he'd email HIS Supervisor and have him call me tomorrow. Plus, he offered me free Voicemail for a month :} Nice.

But overall, this was still a rather sucky and irritating experience.

I was somewhat down and looking forward to me and Woofie's plans to watcha movie, and i talked to him and He was watching Movies with his Brother instead! Ack! I've been cast aside for family! I feel like such trash! I was still feeling kinda irritated at the time, just a bad cap to a bad afternoon. I sulked for a while. Lay in bed hugging blankies and stuffies and pouting and being a general whiny brat. Then i treated myself to a dish of Very Cherry Fruit cocktail, and thus improved my mood some. A Jar of just cherries would have been way superior, But i'll take what i got.

ChickieratGrrl was the first person to grace my voicemail, and with a messege that her work is hiring. so i am going to call them tomorrow and talk to them. Plus i have an Interview at the Hobby store across the street on thursday. I need a job. I had to ask my dad for more money today. I hate doing that. but i have to pay my fone an electric bills and pay for classes and get something resembling food, cuz even if i get a job tomorrow, there's still no check for two weeks, and what are the chances of gettin a job tomorrow?

I've had a craving for abba zabba candy all day. I think this means i need to either get some, or make the far better equivilant Potato candy :} Potato candy kicks Sugar butt :} It's one of the most yummy evil candyies there is.... there's enough sugar to make a small child hyper for a week :] It's cool Here, have some basic directions, since i've yet to see an actually recipe format of this, with like, real measurements an stuff... :}

This makes about 30-50 pieces of candy, depending, use less stuff if you just want to make a little bit (duh).

What you need:

a VERY Small baking or russet potato (or part of a larger one)

1 pound of Confetioners (powdered) sugar

a jar of peanut butter (i prefer using creamy, but crunchy works if you like that kind :])

Waxed paper.

Rolling pin Would be helpful, but large book or something similar will work in a pinch :]

One friend, to relieve you when your arm gets too tired (trust me on this one, unless you're an avid weightlifter or have time to take breaks)

What to do:

Peel the potato very well, cut and boil untill soft enough for mashing. Place potato in large mixing bowl and mash, making sure to get all the lumps out. Slowly add sugar and continue mixing. The mixture will turn into a rather liquidy goo. Keep adding more and more and more sugar, starting with adding abou 1 cup at a time, then reducing. It will slowly thicken. Eventually, after your arm gets real tired (or the arm of the friend you convinced to help you). It will resemble a thick cookie dough constancy and will stop being sticky. remove a managable ball and Roll out about 1/2 inch thick onto waxed paper. spread with a layer of peanut butter and fold it to make it like a "sandwich" type thing. Cut into Bite size pieces You can either cut the Paper, or leave it whole, but the paper keeps it from being all sticky and stuff, and you can put it in a tin and layer it, or whatever :] It lasts a few days to a week on the counter, pending ambient temp., or 3-4 weeks in the fridge, and it okay for a few weeks in the freezer too, but the peanut butter gets weird after a bit.


Stupid Phone Company


Alexander Graham Bell.



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