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2001-04-09 - 9:49 p.m.

Well, still no job.

decided to try for a math class. may get in, gonna see on wed.

I really wish i could afford to move. I hate it here soo much, i mean, i can't really have my friends over or anything. All i need in a roomie is someone who won't try to convince me every day that i need to eat meat, only wants me to vacuum once a week, and doesn't care if my rooms a bit cluttered, and will let me have company over once in a while. Is that too much to ask for under $500 a month? Ugh.

My Grinninggrrl and my woofie are soooo sooooo soo wonderful. If i Didn't have them right now, I honestly don't know what i'd do. I mean, I'd really have Nothing going right in my life. It seems like the only thing that gets me up in the mornings is knowing that I'll get to talk to Grinninggrrl in the morning, and then i'll have Woofie to get me through the afternoon...And it's nice, because both of them seem so perfect for me right now. I Guess i got so used to people who are so demanding. "yeah, i'll do this for you if you'll do this for me" Blah. I mean all friendships and relationships or any kinda of regular human interaction requires effort from all parties, but this is supposed to be given, not demanded, it's what makes it worth cherishing. It's strange, because I KNOW this, but i've come to not expect it. I just hope this lasts, because I don't know what'll happen if it falls apart on me...


Still no job

In the words of recalled barbie "I hate Math, Math is Hard!"


Music- the other good thing that gets me through the day now playing Pansy division, the eyeliners, and that one old 80's song "dear god, hope you got the letter...' that's by uhhmm xtc? i don't remember.

my woofie boy gave me a box of mint hot cocoa and two boxes of mac n cheese and a can of spaghetti-O's, He seems to have some sort of vested interest in me not starving...



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