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2001-04-22 - 12:11 a.m.

very very busy with work and school. Still liking work, though today was insane. One of the girls at works b/f called and broke up with her while she was at work, and she pretty much had a nervous breakdown on the sales floor, and went up to the office to cry for an hour, thus leavin me all by myself on my 4th day. I felt so bad since i didn't know how to answer most of the peoples questions. was so tired after work.

i have sooo much to do tomorrow. cleaning, laundry. con meeting. working on web site. ugh. i need to finish uploading stuff so i can be ready to set stuff up tomorrow, but i'm way too tired.

feeling rather yucky right now, and trying to distract myself, it's not working. uck. ever just have this feeling, like you feel so yucky and dirty and you just wanna shower, but you arn't really physically dirty? I donno, but, that's how i feel right now. and i'm too tired to take a shower. I think part of it is that my allergies are buggin me and i can't breathe, even after my meds for it.





Allergies suck


colouring books that look like stained glass



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