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2001-04-22 - 10:36 p.m.

went through today pretty much on autopilot. did write some poetry today. and did some stuff with my website. that's about it though. I didn't get to cleaning or laundry, i'll have to do that tomorrow. Ugh.

i lost my good coloured pencil set. i can't find it anywhere, and i KNOW i just saw it somewhere either this morning or yesterday. I've looked everywhere... very annoying.

Either i'm gettig a cold, or my allergies are acting up really bad. i'm so stuffed up and having the "head full of gunk" feeling.

Got to play with my kitty over at veganboy's today, It was nice. Pets are healthy for you , everyone should have one. I had some rope and he was chasing it. and then being cuddly and cute and stuff.

I love my cat. Yay for kitties!

I wish i could find somewhere to live where i could have him again..


Being worried about 3 different friends


got a bunch of flyers at the con meeting, get to convince people to let me leave them places, and leave them some places even w/o permission cuz i'm naughty like that.



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