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2001-04-24 - 11:28 p.m.

What a day...

went to work. New girl. She meowed at me, out of the blue. hehhe We got talking. She recognised me. She was at the last con i went too.. heheh nice fannish person! heheh and she poked me in the side randomly! we spent about an hour cleaning and talking about cons and stuff. I LIKE her. She's Nifty. Work was non eventful otherwise. I stocked stuff, got bored and organized the play animals, sat around straightening shelves and talking. I'm a hard worker, Yes i am.

Got home, walked in the door, and my phone was ringing. Veganboy wanted to go to dinner. Went to dinner.

Checked my Voicemail finally when i got home, and There was a call from the Local Library wanting to interview me! YAY! YES YES YES! That would Sooooo rule! I have to call them back tomorrow ...

I found my colouring pencils. They were somewhere i looked, but they were under something and it took Dumping the whole basket out and then going "Oh, there they are!" to find them.

yesterday I went to the park with woofie and quacked at duckies, Peeped at ducklings, and chased pigeons. It was fun.

Still in my weird "funk" i guess. Being Mopey even though I'm out doing stuff and bein externally happy.


Being Blah.

There are not enough hours in the day for everything i want to do.


Having voicemail so i got the messege from th nice library lady!



Now playing: Oingo Boingo: farewell.....



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