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2001-05-03 - 10:30 a.m.

my bank sucks. I closed my account. they're dumb and got bought out by washington mutual, and now they suck. i have three dollars and something odd cents to last me to the 11th... grrrr... they took $88 out of my account grr...

anyways. went on my picnic on sunday and that was rather fun. then we went to my work and got shrinky dinks and candle making stuff and made candles and keychains. Fun.

monday I mostly hid in the house and did laundry and they hung out with woofie.

tuesday i worked, then hung out with woofie.

yesterday I left to stop by the school to drop my math class and i missed the bus, so i stopped by work to pester one of the guys there, and he had ordered Fluxx and gotten it in. Of course, i had no money, but he was sad because i had asked him o order it and now i couldn' get it, that he gave it to me :} yay! so i have fluxx now. Uno on Crack, and it's a mensa award winning game :}

by the time i got to school and had gone through th lines and all that, it was about time for woofies class to get out, so i sat and read a book by his car till he got out. he was nice and surprised heheh :] On our way from the parking spot, we saw chickieratgrrl at the busstop so we picked her up ad drove her home, then he dropped me at my house so i could do more laundry. he came back an hour or so later an roomie told us that the ice cream place down the street was givin way free scoops of icecream, so we walked down and had a scoop since we were still waiting for the dryer to finish.

then we went to coffee and i got to play fluxx lots. and Valden and julia were there and i got lots of scritchies and cuddles. got invited to a party saturday, will prolly go.


I'm being a girl and fretting about what to wear to the party and it's still two days away! ugh.

Boys are weird.



extra hot relaxing showers.



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