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2001-05-10 - 11:16 p.m.

1: Yum.

2: My roomie hath Gone completely physcho and is now requiring daily cleaning.

3: I'm luckily Moving. In a month. Found a Place with a friend. A little Nervous, but I doubt it can Be much Worse than I am At now.

4: Did I mention Yum?


I stabbed myself in th thumb with a tip of one of those flower preserving glass vials with the stoppers, I bled, I was unhappy. Then I caught my finger in the leg of the stepstool. then i came home and stepped on a tack On the floor. I think the inanimate objects are out to get me today.

chickieratgrrl is sad. This makes me sad. grr. Must cheer up chickieratgrrl.


3 weeks till con

4 weeks till i move

did I mention Yum?



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