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2001-05-07 - 9:31 p.m.

Hmm I feel like doing a My Day Entry, Even though it's a bit soon. Oh Well.

10am- Got Up.

10:15 Got online and chatted for a bit

11:45 ate a pb&j sandwich

12noon cleaned my room some while being a nerd and blasting music and dancing about said room

1pm called veganboy to check and make sure he hadn't been kidnapped by aliens since i hadn't heard from him since last night.

1:30 worked on nice fuzzy velvet black and white tiger striped shirt i'm making by hand

2:30 chatted online with grinninggirl and valden. Made plans to watch movies with valden tomorrow after work., while still working on shirt

3:30 Gathered up dirty clothes to go to laundrymat with woofie.

4pm Go to laundrymat, put cloths in washer, sit down and play Fluxx with woofie

5pm get a 6 year old watching us play and giggle lots and she tries to help me by telling me to put down a card that'll let woofie win...

5:30 Alf comes on the laundrymats tv, so we watch that

6pm yay clothes are finished.

6:15 get home. house is 90 degress (really, I checked) turn on a/c, but feel yucky from heat and lay down for a bit

7pm chat online and debate cooking dinner

7:30 End up making grilled cheese sandwich. sit in kitchen to eat and roomie comes home so i go and hide back in my room

9pm chat online and look up weird stuff on the web

9:45 Update diary :]

Mew mew mew

currently trying to convince myself to fold the laundry from earlier

all in all, a rather boring day, i have no idea why i wanted to document it.


Hot hot day out today.






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