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2001-05-14 - 1:05 p.m.

Well, This weekend was mostly Boring. I worked, went to a con meeting. Hung out with friends, Slept, Worked, slept,went to dinner, slept, did laundry, and that's about it.

I painted a really cool girl in watercolour and made her with green hair and blue skin, so she's an alien girl or something. Trying to decide if i want to frame it or give it as a gift or what :}

10 days til con. Yay! It seems like it should be so much longer still.


Cuddles are good.


I miss This nice Girl I used to hang out with a lot. Hopefully get to see her at con though.

chickieragrrl is sad


People who fall asleep when you are over at their house visiting and they just look sooo cute and innocent (even though you know they're Very Not :}) I think it's a built in protection think, Looking cute when sleeping so people are less likely to kill you in your sleep. anyways :}



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