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2001-05-20 - 9:44 a.m.

Hmmm friday i worked. everyone was in pissy moods, otherwise it was good. after work, called veganboy to see if he wanted to encourage my naughty urge to not go to sleep yet and stay up too late. him and chickieratgrrl were wandering about, so they stopped by and we decided to go get eats. ended up making a weird guy outta straw wrappers, ketcup salt, etc and giggling and talking overly loudly about LAPDANCES and other weird s&xual stuff. This would be at te same place i sat in the parking lot taking up a parking spot during lunch hour a month or so back :}

I have to go now, i'll finish this later

Hmmm okay 13 hours later..... saturday was pretty boring, worked and hung out with val. my running away earlier was to go to a 10 hour con meeting, la la la packet stuffing and making staff badges weeeeee pretty fun actually they bought us food, except the room sevice messed up 3 times. apparantly a "plain" hamburger contains mayo and they were confused why they kept getting sent back and were sending back the same burgers even yuck, yuck busy week coming up, and then prolly won't be online thurs through tues.. la la yay whine: chickieratgrrl accidently moved the chair she was sitting on onto my toe and it hurts I am Coveting. horrible me. and mostly just the "i want because i can't have" thing.. grrr cheer: thursday is soon harry potter lunhboxes



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