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2001-05-18 - 9:19 a.m.

Work yesterday started out good, then got progresively worse, then went back to okay... first few hours were good, everyone was doing stuff and pleasantly busy. then a sales rep showed up. mgr had to talk to him, but there was no one to watch the counter (because she had given them all jobs to do) and so she threw a fit. I got dragged from what i was doing to stand at the counter bored in case a customer needed help, then i had an item come up more expensive than i thought it was, so had to find the girl from that department, and she complained that i left. then she gave me an order to do, and explained how to do it step by step like it was my first day again, since i didn't put stuff back neatly enough in the box of the order i had to do 3 times last week. then she left to go home. The order was a pain, but oh well.

Okay, that was a nice venting whine.

after work went to so the mummy2 for free with woofie. it was okay. pretty much the same as the first one. They were trying too much to be like indiana jones in this one i think though. and the star wars joke thing was just not needed.


i can't think of anything to whine about besides the crappy day at work


roomies leaving for a week



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