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2001-05-17 - 9:52 a.m.

yesterday was nice.

went to park with woofie and fed ducklings and chased pigeons and geese. there were some real pretty canadian geese there, which we didn't chase nearly as much cuz they're pretty and arn't as obnoxious, they don't try to bite your fingers off and chase you around the park if you are carrying even one little morsel of food, and they're obviously on vaction with all the nice weather down here, i'd hate to ruin that completely :}

Went to veganboys and played sims while waiting for him to get home.

kidnapped chaos and went to coffee and ate food and normal coffee night stuff.


people who only call when they want something, and never just cuz, particulary when it's a few times a year only to see if they can stay in your room at a con..


randomly sitting in someones lap due to lack of seating when trying to watch futurama and having the person give you a nice massage just cuz you're sitting there :}

hyper 15 year olds

people who just plain ol' enjoy lifes good moments, even if i'm jealous because i'm too much of sour cynical witch to do that :}



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