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2001-05-29 - 11:42 p.m.

hmmm okay this will require thinking, hopefully i won't forget anything.


woke up, finished packing, went to airport and collected grinningrrl, loitered at the hotel, went to job interview, which i think went well. con begins yay. worked, had fun :]


worked and had fun, didn't sleep


worked and had fun, didn't sleep


worked, had fun, got kisses, didn't sleep


worked, had fun, got kisses, didn't sleep


whined and sadly returned grinninggirl to the evil airport people. grrrr.

basically, it was con, i had lots of fun and got lots of cuddles and got fangs and 2 pieces of art, nifty set of cheap rings stolen from the princess bride themed dance, and had lots of fun.

there was the required bit of con drama, but nothing really bad, people whineing about stuff, me being dumb and being jealous over silly pointless stuff, amazingly the two people that normally cause con drama were mostly drama free except one being whiny and having her normal fights with her husband, and the other, who just happened to piss me off by making a really mean comment about someone that was completely unwarranted, oh well, what is a con without drama?

i'm in rather hyper happy bouncy spirits, even though i'm listening to depressing music right now, of well :}


the hotel resaurant needs food that acually tastes good.

the con is outgrowing the hotel. we had over 2000 people this year, yay for us, but there's no room!

the significant lack of dr pepper in the hotel




lots of snuggly people

people who feed me

people who let me feed them

interupting techiegeek talk :}



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