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2001-05-31 - 11:09 a.m.

well, i finally got everything squared away for moving, yay, moving on the 17th or somewhere about that.. very good

grinninggirl is working on her plans to come out here in july for a gather me, veganboy, and chickieratgrrl are putin together. yay again.

other than that, not much exciting. current roomies told me i must keep my room spotless at all times so that they can start showing the room. ugh i hate havin to keep a showroom quality room ugh.

yesterday me and veganboy (okay, veganboy, but i watched and cheered and offered moral support) worked on putting together my new computer. it just needs a few little things now parallel port, and cables for the HD and Floppy, which he's gonna look around his "box o' puter bits" first before we go out and buy anything.

now it's time to go to work woohoo....


it's way too hot here, it was 97 F yesterday and it's about the same today


moving yay



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