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2001-06-02 - 9:20 a.m.

ugh work was good and bad, manager was kinda pissy. grr.

BUT after work i got to play monopoly yay! hehehe and i finally got my Keyboard and monitor. yay.

I'm gonna need to sleep tomorrow though, i've only gotten 5 ish hours of sleep the last two nights :} oh well.

i bought a doll from work, hopefully gonna work on it, planning on trying to turn it into a pixie or garden fairy or something to that effect

Ever think about something so much, you lose track of what you're really doing and get totally lost? I've been doing that.. replaying something in my mind over and over, and people keep asking me why i have weird looks on my face, or if i'm okay and stuff like that, and i keep thinking about doing something, i'll get up, or walk towards it or whatever, get halfway there and forget what i was doing. Jeez. I feel like such a ditz. Blah.

The phone cord for my modem/phone broke last night, it still works for the modem, but i have to hold it in the phone to use the phone. the little clicky thing that holds it in place broke off. Grrrrr

i've been wanting on work on poetry stuff, and i keep getting lines in my head an stuff i want to write about, but none of it wants to be a poem. rather frustrating. My brain just isn't working right for anything lately.


I'm sleepy


eeyore socks

I'm evil, Yay Me! :}



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