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2001-06-04 - 12:36 a.m.

Tomorrow, I'm going to Stay home and rest, i Swear! aside from sleeping, i've been home maybe 4-5 hours since friday. and i only slept 5ish hours friday and saturday nights. played pool and socialized, and helped a friend move.

and i worked on my web page too yay. created a whole new page I need to put up more poetry though.... i keep meaning to do that... i'm just lazy, real lazy, all i have to do is type it out and upload it and do one line of html wooooooo sooo hard..

I'm sleepy i SHOULD go to sleep.... hmmm.


I had to spend a few hours in a house with a smoker, and it stunk and now my throat hurts.

I wanted to leave at 6, but veganboy had a headache and didn't want to drive with a headache, so we didn't leave till 9. Thus i did not get home till after grinningGirl went sleepies, and i wanted to talk with her


Having songs on the radio make you smile because they remind you of something happy and good :]

July is next month.

Having people really like gifts you give them. the last two gifts i've given to people have been major successes. It makes the gift giving soooo much better :]



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