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2001-06-05 - 9:10 a.m.

Yay! I actually Did what I said and stayed home and rested all day, Kinda. It wasn't all that relaxing. I Had a Migraine most the day. Ugh. and of course, Monday is the day the gardeners visit. So i Hid under My Blankets Most the day.

Good thing is, I ended up working on my page some and put up some more poems, and fixed the titles. I'm lazy and do MSWORD html, and it makes the title the first line in the poem, which in most cases is NOT the title. I also changed the colours on some of them. Plus, i started putting descriptions with some. I have a picture i drew i want to put up, but i need to find a scanner to use.

I also wrote two new poems yesterday, both my usual depressing bits of work, but hey, i wrote, YAY!

had kinda a bad night last night, and i donno why. mayhap from having a headache all day. I was being all whiny and bitchy.


Want GrinningGirl here NOOOOOOwwwwWWWWWWWWW!

My Leg hurts.








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