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2001-06-06 - 8:29 a.m.

Ugh My brain has been in such a swirl the last day or so.

I do feel a bit better because i think that something i was really worrying about is a worry not needed thing, not totally sure, but i think that helps. Hopefully just me being silly... granted i got something else to worry about yesterday, so, FEH!

I had a really weird and creepy nightmare last night. once i woke up, every time i closed my eyes, i saw it again and it's fall asleep for a bit and then wake up from the nightmare again. It wasn't really a scary one, just creepy, though i guess scary too. people kept disapearing right after i'd look at them and see this old lady standing behind them, and then i looked in a mirror and saw her behind me, with a really horrifying look on her face, then i turned around and she wasn't there of course, look in the mirror again and she was there, then i'd wake up. ick ick. there was some other weird stuff in the dream too, which didn't help.

I got a letter yesterday saying i didn't get the job at the library, feh, oh well....

I just means it'll be a bit harder to save any money at all, but even if i wasn't moving i'd have that, since they were going to raise my rent to what i'm going to be paying at my new place anyways. So money will be tight for a bit, but i can make it work, always do.

I should get out of the house today. I need it. maybe i'll go to veganboy's, or out with workie kitty and loki. I donno.


My leg hurts.

I need to get outta the house.




Yum, chocolate!

(Hmmm That thought has potential....errrr..)



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