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2001-06-06 - 10:51 p.m.

yay. spent most the day at veganboy's house useing his scanner and bugging the cats. Mew.

Went to childens museum, and stayed for 3 hours. played with lots of nifty stuff :}

had a talk with a friend who met grinninggirl when she was out here and he stated that were she not claimed, he would've soooo tried to pounce her. This stated in all due respect of course. I'll have to be sure to send any cute pouncable people his way, cuz he's nice. :]

Hmmm I got the letter yesterday from the library yesterday saying "sorry, you lose", and then today when i got home, there was a voicemail messege from them, asking me if i was still interested to call them.. Hhhhhhhmmmmmmm I think i should call them :] Silly library.

I am feeling better now than i have in the last two days i think, which is good.


leg still hurts

it's too warm to sleep


Nice Cute wonderful stunning smart nifty people


ice cream sundaes with silly stuff on them, even if you're not the one eating it.

the internet, without which i'd have a really really big phone bill, as well as other things.



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