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2001-06-11 - 12:31 a.m.

YAY! I Finally figured out what was the problem with the march 15th entry! It's there now! YAY! hehe i had some stuff in the title that resembled HTML, and i think that made it screwy, so it didn't see the link... only took me a few months ugh

anyways. computers still not finished, looks like either the Hard drive or motherboard or both are bad blah. sucks to be me. oh well

stupid chickieratgrrl's cat peed on my blankie that i brought over there this weekend, now i'll have to wash it and it stinks, and i don't want to use it tonight, so no blankie for me, luckily it's still pretty warm out.

plus, my allergies are all whacked out i'm stuffy , itchy and sneezy ugh.

I've noticed something about myself, that i've kinda noticed before and it bugs me, and it's really bugging me tonight. when everything around me it great (ie moneys good, friends are doing well, etc) my mental state is totally f*cked up. when everything else is bad (ie no job, friends arn't doing well, whatnot) i'm so totally happy and bouncy and cheerful. what the hell is up with that? It's not like soemthing i strive for, or some purposful "only happy when it rains" phylosophy. I want to be happy when things are good. I'm moving, i'm interviewing for a good job, and all that other good stuff that's going on, and yet the last few days i've been all totally down and mopey and yuck all the time. Granted i've still been my happy bouncy self on the outside, but i'm having all these nightmares, and even when i'm not, i can't sleep, and writing and feeling all this contrasting horrid stuff. UGH. And i remember, when i had no money, and school was bad and i was sick a lot, When even the sanest person would prolly be tryin to hang themselves, i was all happy as a clam... My brain must be wired all screwy or something.


stupid cat peed on my blankie ggrrrr


the wright brothers

everyones friend the internet.

nice people who drill it into you brain that you're cute.



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