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2001-06-13 - 8:42 p.m.

took down all my art today and got it ready for the move. it feel so strange in here now, like it's not my room at all. i still have lots more packing to do. Ugh.

blah blah blah.

worked yesterday, then wandered over to loki's house an harrassed him and his siblings. then went out for late dinner with veganboy. it was a nice day for the most part.

today, argued with pharmacist and doctor, i called dr monday to get a script, and the went to get it today and they didn't have it, called dr and they said they'd called on monday and talked to someone, and so i gave them eachothers fone numbers and finally got my med at about 8pm

otherwise, i packed some, moped about, went to veganboy's house for a bit.

such excitement, huh?


craving chocolate and not having any in the house.

Missing grinningirl


late night sillyness in restaurants, and sillyness in restaurants in general.

people who hold doors open when they see you approaching with your hands full :]



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