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2001-06-17 - 6:06 a.m.

well, i'm about halfway moved. i'm currently curled up on the floor in blankies at my old place, with just my computer and a few boxes, everything else piled on my bed in the living room in my new place. but the room wasnt ready, so i stayed here. Should be ready today, so i'll finish up today yay :}

anyways, i've just been working and packing for the most part, tried to go be social and see a movie, but it didna work out.

work isn't as fun any more, nice girl from games left us! she was fuuunnn. oh well, new guy seems interesting, and yesterday i got to make the guy in the doll dept thrilled, got a supergirl doll from jack in the box for him. He was all thrilled and playing with her. heheh people with new toys are always fun and good and happy :} quite a few pissy customers in the last few days, but the fun factor yesterday made up for it.

I was sooooo dead to the world on friday. stayed up late packing thurs, and had to be up at 6am friday. got about 3 hours sleep, zombieishly got up and went to interview, actually drinking coffee beforehad, a shocking and scary thing. It wasn't even the good stuff, it was folgers! gack! after the interiew i eaded straight to work for a lovely 9 hour shift, and i was so sleepy, i kept pissing people off over stupid stuff. then around 7pmish i had a asthma attack and had to walk slowly, not run, home to get meds, and spent the rest of the evening helpin ppls from a stool cuz i was too dizzy to stand for more than a few minutes. Needless to say, i went home and pretty much was zonked out by 10:30.


i'm awake and it's 6:33 in the morning, because i happened to wake up, and the sun is up, so my body thinks it's time to be up, though i didn't reall go to sleep till 2.


halfway moved.

fun arguements that boost ppls self esteem (hopefully) :}



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